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What Do Homeless People Need Most? 5 Items for Your Care Package

What Do Homeless People Need Most? 5 Items for Your Care Package

What Do Homeless People Need Most? 5 Items for Your Care Package

Hygiene kits go a long way for those in need. But what do homeless people need most? Here are 5 items to include when putting together a care package.

Countless Americans live a life of immense wealth and prosperity.

Unfortunately, though, not everyone has been afforded the same fate. For instance, there are now half a million rough sleepers in the United States.

Theirs is a life of hardship, and we owe it to them to ease the strain. However, what do homeless people need? Are you putting together a care package to help a homeless person?

Read on to find out 5 items that are sure to make a difference.

1. Personal Hygiene Supplies

Homelessness doesn’t lend itself well to ablutions.

The streets are usually a dirty place; access to amenities is often limited. Moreover, many homeless people don’t own the tools and resources required to keep up with personal hygiene.

Of course, the longer you spend as a rough sleeper, the worse the situation can get.

That’s why providing some simple supplies in a care package can make all the difference. Think about including some toothpaste and a toothbrush, nail clippers, soap, hand sanitizer, and so on.

Our hygiene kits should be a source of inspiration here.

2. A Handwritten Note

Practical items most definitely have their place in your care package.

However, it’s worth remembering that the toll of homelessness isn’t purely practical in nature. Many rough sleepers suffer from a host of personal and emotional issues. Guilt, shame, and low self-esteem are rampant.

A hand-written letter expressing kindness and support may well be the most valuable inclusion in any package you assemble.

3. Socks and Shoes

Socks and shoes are often in short supply on the streets.

With time and use, they start to fall apart. Eventually, they become so dirty and covered in holes that they’re rendered unusable.

Alas, everything from the dirt and grime to the cold and inclement weather makes that a serious (even life-threatening) problem. Indeed, it isn’t unheard of for homeless people to freeze to death. Of course, walking through the city becomes harder too.

Providing new socks and shoes can be an almighty help.

4. Water Bottle

Thankfully, homeless people can usually get access to drinking water.

The real trouble is transporting it. Without a bottle, the task becomes almost impossible. Why not include a water bottle in your care package? This is a small purchase that will most certainly be put to use.

5. Healthy and Tasty Snacks

Diet is just one of the many struggles with being homeless.

Imagine trying to maintain a healthy diet with no access to a fridge, or cooking equipment. Hunger, malnutrition, and a lack of key nutrients are all commonplace among homeless populations.

Finding some tasty and nutritious treats in a care package can be enough to put a smile on someone’s face.

What Do Homeless People Need? Now You Know

America is a wealthy country.

Unfortunately, though, not everybody is lucky enough to share it. The people living homeless around the US provide a perfect example.

We could all do better in offering them a helping hand.

But what do homeless people need to live an improved life? Thankfully, a little can go a long way. Hopefully, this post has provided the answers you’re looking for.

Want some further ideas? Click here to check out the special kits we have for sale now!


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